Basin Adjudication | Important Documents
Technical Working Group Studies
Assessment of Groundwater Storage for the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin.pdfAssessment of Safe Yield for the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin.pdfAppendix A to Assessment of Safe Yield for the IWV Groundwater Basin.PDFAppendix B to Assessment of Safe Yield for the IWV Groundwater Basin.PDFAppendix C to Assessment of Safe Yield for the IWV Groundwater Basin.PDFAppendix D to Assessment of Safe Yield for the IWV Groundwater Basin.PDF
Orders and Rulings
Notice-of-Ruling-12-2-22-Status-Conference.pdfNotice of Ruling from 5-20-22 Status Conference.PDFNotice of Ruling - 12-15-23.pdfNotice of Ruling - 3-22-24 Hearing and Status Conference.PDFNotice of Order to Show Cause re Basin Boundary - 6-14-24.pdfCase Management Order for Phase 1 Trial.PDFNotice of Ruling - 6-14-24.PDFOrder Confirming Basin Boundary.PDFNotice of Ruling from 8-5-24.PDFNotice of Further Status Conference (2-10-25).pdfNotice of Entry of Protective Order.pdf40188.1 Order Denying Writ Petition.pdf1-29-25 En Banc Order of California Supreme Court Denying Petition for Review.pdfCase Management Order for Phase 2 Trial.pdf
Press Releases/Media